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Ma Spanish Committee Graduate School College of Liberal Arts Utep

MA in Linguistics

Admission Requirements for the Linguistics MA program:

•   Bachelor's degree from an accredited institution in the U.S. or proof of equivalent educational activity in a foreign establishment

•   Undergraduate caste or satisfactory subject preparation in linguistics, a language, or a related field resulting in a satisfactory grade point average (GPA) (where there is a question of sufficient background, a plan of leveling courses not to exceed 12 hours will be arrived at in consultation with the graduate advisor)

•   (For Hispanic linguistics only) Competency in both Spanish and English

•   Three letters of recommendation

•   TOEFL score of 213/550 or higher for international applicants whose first linguistic communication is non English or who have not completed a university degree in the U.S.

•   Argument of Purpose

•   What nosotros want to see in a argument of purpose:

A statement of purpose is what its proper noun says: a statement of what you hope to accomplish in studying Linguistics at UTEP. It is non a history of your life experiences (as interesting and valuable as they may be).

A statement of purpose should contain the following information:

  1. Some cursory information (not a lot, considering we can see that from your transcript) about your previous educational activity and other factors (e.g. bilingualism) that could inform your linguistic noesis;
  2. Information on why you lot want to study Linguistics at UTEP, as suggested past any one or more of these questions:
  • Why practice you want to study linguistics in detail?
  • What particular areas of linguistics are you interested in?
  • Do y'all have whatsoever research ideas you'd like to develop?
  • Why are you interested in UTEP in item?
  • Are there particular professors here that you'd similar to work with?
  • Do you lot desire to be a fellow member of /piece of work in the Language Acquisition and Linguistics Research Lab?
  1. Information on whatever feel yous may have equally a Research Assistant, Teaching Assistant, or teaching at whatever non-university institution

The University catalog provides detailed information about the admission requirements. It is bachelor at:

Fast Track MA in Linguistics

The 'Fast Rail' MA (FTMA) is a program which allows you to utilize fifteen hours of selected MA courses toward both the undergraduate Linguistics major and the MA in Linguistics.  Students must run into the post-obit criteria to exist considered for selection into the FTMA program:

•xc undergraduate hours completed with a 3.3 GPA;

•The cadre Linguistics BA courses, including LING 2320, LING 3301, LING 3302, and

LING 4316 completed; and

• A 3.5 GPA in the undergraduate major overall.

The courses which may be used for the 15 hours of dual credit include

LING 5309-Generative Syntax

LING 5310-Pedagogical Bug in English language Structure

LING 5319-Historical English Linguistics

LING 5320-Phonology

LING 5348-Second Language Acquisition

LING 5388-Bilingualism

The admission procedure is as follows:

· Students will employ through Embark

· Approval of FT enrollment will exist verified and processed with the submission of the

approved FT form.

· Additional access materials will exist required at the time the student transitions from

the UG to the Graduate program.

For questions or farther information, contact the Graduate Counselor, Prof Natalia Mazzaro (

MA Degree Requirements

36 Hours Minimum

Thesis and Non-thesis tracks and hours
There are one thesis and 2 non-thesis tracks. Each student must pursue ane of these tracks. The thesis track requires LING 5398 and LING 5399, in addition to the requirements of nine cadre hours and 21 elective hours. The thesis will be presented in an open defense. One non-thesis runway involves an extended paper/project, which will be presented in an open defense. This track requires LING 5397, in addition to the requirements of 9 core hours and 24 elective hours. The second non-thesis runway involves extended course work, requiring 9 core hours and 27 constituent hours. Under this rail, there will exist a final open oral and/or written examination in the chosen primary area of study. In more particular, the requirements for each degree track, including the concentration possibilities mentioned above, are as follows:

MA degree in Linguistics:

Core Courses: 9 hours

_________LING 5301 Principles of Linguistic Analysis

_________LING 5309 Generative Syntax (LING 5301)

_________LING 5320 Phonology (LING 5301)

Additional requirements for the MA with no concentration:

-a thesis (LING 5398 and LING 5399), and

-21 additional hours of graduate linguistics courses


-an extended newspaper (LING 5397), and

-24 additional hours of graduate linguistics courses


-examination/open presentation of an area of involvement beyond private course work, and

-27 boosted hours of graduate linguistic courses

Additional requirements for the MA concentration in Applied Linguistics:

LING 5348 Second Language Acquisition


An advanced course in or relevant to AL (equally agreed by student and graduate advisor)


-a thesis in AL (LING 5398 and LING 5399), and

-15 additional hours of graduate linguistics courses


-an extended newspaper in AL (LING 5397), and

-xviii additional hours of graduate linguistics courses.

Additional requirements for the MA concentration in Hispanic Linguistics:

LING 5348 Second Language Acquisition


An advanced form in or relevant to HispLx (equally agreed by student and graduate advisor)


-a thesis in HspLX (LING 5398 and LING 5399), and

-15 additional hours of graduate linguistics courses


-an extended paper in HspLx (LING 5397), and

-18 boosted hours of graduate linguistics courses.

Linguistics MA Course Listing:

(Prerequisites in parentheses)

5107 Seminar in Special Topics in Linguistic

5301 Principles of Linguistic Analysis

5308 2nd Language Pedagogy--English language

5309 Generative Syntax (LING 3302 (along with departmental approval), or 5301)

5310 Pedagogical Issues in English Structure

5319 English Historical Linguistics

5320 Phonology (LING 3301 or 5301)

5330 Computer-Assisted Language Learning

5331 Teaching Second Linguistic communication Limerick

5341 Psycholinguistics and Reading

5348 Second Linguistic communication Acquisition

5370 Report in Language (various topics/organized form or individual report)

5373 Linguistic Variation

5374 Language Testing

5381 Castilian Phonetics and Phonology (LING 5320)

5382 Spanish Syntax (LING 5309)

5383 Spanish Morphology (LING 5301)

5385 Spanish Historical Linguistics

5388 Bilingualism

5397 Extended Research Project

5398 Thesis (I)

5399 Thesis (Ii) (LING 5398)

General Timelines and Guidelines for All Linguistics Graduate Students

Concluding or penultimate Semester: Submit FINAL Program OF Report to the Grad School.

Semester of graduation: Submit Degree Awarding Class for graduation to the Grad

School earlier borderline published past the Graduate School.

The following are Programme-specific regulations that supplement existing UTEP Graduate School policies:

For MA Students who intend to present a Thesis:

Semester 1:  Establish (with the Graduate Advisor) a SPECIALIZATION and a PRELIMINARY Class OF Written report and submit it to the graduate school

Semesters 1-two: Complete the core courses (LING 5301, 5309, and 5320)

Semester 2: Select a thesis topic and secure a 3-member advisory committee to include a supervisor, an additional member of the Linguistics graduate faculty, and a member from exterior the Linguistics faculty

Semester 3: Continue coursework; enroll in 5398 and develop the proposal; submit a proposal to (i) the committee and (ii) the linguistics graduate faculty for approval

Semester 4: Enroll in 5399 and consummate the thesis.  Repeat 5399 as necessary until the thesis is deemed defensible_ by the supervisor and the advisory committee

Defend thesis not less than 15 days earlier the thesis submission borderline as published by the Graduate School

For MA Students who intend to present an Extended Paper:

Semester 1:  Establish (with the Graduate Counselor) a SPECIALIZATION and a PRELIMINARY Form OF STUDY and submit information technology to the graduate school

Semesters 1-ii: Complete the core courses (LING 5301, 5309, and 5320)

Semester 3: Continue Coursework

Early in Semester 3: Select an extended newspaper topic, secure a supervisor and a second reader, and submit a proposal

Semester 4: Enroll in 5397 and  consummate the projection in i semester under the guidance of the supervisor

Defend the Extended Paper not less than 15 days before the degree filing deadline as published past the Graduate Schoolhouse

For MA Students who elect the 36 sem. hr coursework option:

Semester one:  Plant (with the Graduate Advisor) a PRELIMINARY COURSE OF Written report and submit it to the graduate school

Semesters one-2: Complete the core courses (LING 5301, 5309, and 5320)

Semester 3: Continue coursework

Semester iii: Select a topic and secure a committee consisting of supervisor and second member who will direct a concluding project, newspaper, or examination

Semester 4: Proceed coursework

Semester 4:  Present results of concluding project or final paper or render exam not less than fifteen days earlier the caste filing deadline as published past the Graduate School

Part-fourth dimension students should fulfill requirements as follows:

Semester ane requirements should be fulfilled within the outset 9 credit hours

Semester 1-2 requirements should be fulfilled within the first 18 credit hours

Semester 3 requirements should be fulfilled within the third 9 credit hours (hrs 18-27)

Semester iv requirements should exist fulfilled inside the final 9 credit hours (hrs 28-36) or last semester, as appropriate
